
Beauty Evolving.

Beauty (and our view of it) is constantly morphing...
Sometimes this makes me thankful, and other times.... not so much.

One day, Facebook goes from being covered with comments such as "Time to starve while watching the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show" to the next day being covered in YouTube videos inspiring women to be/men to wait for "Proverbs 31 Women."
But it can go from good to bad, too.

This is a trap I, and the majority of other women, get caught in day after day. What is true beauty? We all want to look good on the outside, but that first takes a lot of work on the inside. I hope we remember on the days we feel not so Victorias Secret-esqe that the Lord of Lords himself is in awe of our beauty.

A sweet woman in my life, Mrs. Brenda, gave me the following to share with all of you.
Beauty Tips:
By Sam Levenson

For attractive lips, 
Speak words of kindness

For lovely eyes, 
Seek out the good in people 

For a slim figure, 
Share your food with the hungry

For beautiful hair,
Let a child run his fingers through it once a day

For poise, 
Walk with the knowledge you will never walk alone

As we enter into this new year full of new resolutions (or just old, failed resolutions that will definitely not fail this year;)), let's keep a positive focus. Would focusing on being a Proverbs 31 woman above all else bring us closer to the beautiful woman we want to see on the outside? I think just maybe. 

P.S. Here's a quote I read on a friend's website that really got me thinking:
"Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better."  
-Andre Gide

I've got to remember to slow down. Embrace each moment. It is another year, whether the resolutions fail or not. 

Praying for each of you in 2012,

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